Whether you're an aspiring electrical engineer or purchasing manager, or even a contractor, you're going to need to learn all about the difference between AC and DC power supply. This is a topic that can get pretty complicated - but it's important you get a good grasp on which of these power supplies best suits your needs.
Don't worry - today, we're going to answer one of the most common questions we get as a power supply retailer: what is the difference between AC and DC power supply?
Simply put, these are the two forms of electricity. While both are essential to getting electronics powered on and working, they do have key differences you must be aware of.
And as you'll soon discover, one is not necessarily "superior" to the other. We’ll compare AC vs DC power supply below to help you get a better sense of which style is right for your specific needs.
But either way, you can rest assured Bravo Electro has you covered! Shop our AC DC power supply and DC-DC power supply selection now, or get in touch for a personalized recommendation.
What is a Power Supply (PSU)?
Before we compare and contrast the AC vs DC power supply styles let’s take a step back - what is a power supply in general? Simply put, a PSU converts electrical energy into the appropriate voltage, current, and form required to power a device or system.
This keeps the connected electronic equipment operating safely and efficiently, regardless of whether the input source is alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC).
Power supplies are the backbone of applications ranging from industrial automation to telecommunications, enabling the seamless operation of various devices by regulating and delivering consistent power.
However, not all PSUs are created equal. At their core, they can be broken down into one of two categories: AC vs DC power supply. So, what’s the difference between AC and DC power supply?
What Is The Difference Between AC and DC Power Supply?
So what is the difference between AC and DC power supply? Ultimately, these are two very different yet essential power supply types.
What Is AC Power Supply?
An AC power current, or alternating current, is the style that dominates today's market. These are what primarily bring power into buildings - even in situations where that AC power is immediately converted to DC power. As the name suggests, the power flows in an alternating current - changing directions periodically.
This periodic change in direction is caused by the electrons in the power. Electrical currents are a direct result of the activity of these electrons, and they can move upward (positive) or downward (negative). Electricians and manufacturers refer to this change in direction as the sinusoidal AC wave. What causes this wave, though? Alternators at a power plant.
Alternators at a power plant are scaled-up versions of the alternators in your car or any other type of alternator for that matter. They all work more or less under the same principles. A wire loop is spun inside a magnetic field to generate energy. As the wire spins through areas of different magnetic polarities, the current changes - thus you have the alternating current.
Why does all of this matter? Well, because AC voltage travels in a wave-like motion it can reach further than DC power. You can probably already start to see why this is so advantageous. With that said, we still use DC power commonly today - what exactly is it?
What Is DC Power Supply?
DC power, or direct current, is exactly what the same implies. Here, power appears in a straight line - direct, so to speak. Direct current comes from a wide range of sources. From batteries to solar cels, modified alternators to fuel cells, and more. What's really unique about DC power, though, is it can actually be sourced from AC power. This requires the use of an AC to DC power converter - we'll talk more about that later on. First, let's explain the advantages a DC power supply offers.
Because DC power is a linear source, it is far more consistent and reliable. It doesn't bounce around and change direction like AC does. As such, most electronics rely on it. They use batteries as the primary source of DC. With that said, though, there are also a wide array of devices that use AC power instead: including household appliances, lamps, and more.
So why are there two different power supplies? Do we really need both in our society? What is the difference between AC and DC power supply? Don’t worry - we’ll answer all these questions and many others you may have before this AC vs DC power supply guide is finished..
Why Are Two Different Forms of Power Supply?
The existence of both AC and DC power supplies can be traced back to the 19th century, where something known as the “war of the currents” took place.
Thomas Edison was a strong proponent of DC power due to its stable and predictable flow of electricity for powering early lighting systems and industrial equipment.
Edison’s DC systems were limited by their inability to transmit electricity efficiently over long distances, requiring power stations to be built close to users. This is why Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse championed AC power instead.
They worked together to develop a system that could use transformers to efficiently step voltage up or down. This innovation made it possible to transmit electricity over vast distances with minimal energy loss.
Today, AC and DC continue to co-exist since each has its place. AC dominates public power grids and large-scale infrastructure due to its efficiency in transmission. Meanwhile, DC plays a critical role in electronics, battery systems, and renewable energy applications.
That being said, what’s the difference between AC and DC power supply?
AC vs DC Power Supply: Which is the Right Option For You?
We've broken down the basic foundation for what you need to understand AC vs DC power supply. To truly understand each one and the differences they have, let's look at the pros and cons of each.
Advantages & Disadvantages Of AC Power
As you'll soon learn, AC power is far more common in households - and for good reason. It is easy to transform, first of all, using transformers and converters. This makes it a far more sustainable and suitable power supply as infrastructure.
There is another unique advantage alternating current has over direct current - and that is the ability to shut it off safely and with ease. Why is that? Well, because alternating current will periodically reach a voltage of 0 - the point at which shut off is safe. You'll also find that it is far more practical for certain situations because you don't need to distinguish between negative or positive.
But perhaps the biggest advantage of alternating current? How efficient it is to transport this power at large distances without a loss of efficiency. This is why we transport power from a power plant to an urban area using direct current.
You'll experience far less power loss due to high voltage transmission. And while this power - transported at incredibly high voltages, sometimes up to 600,000v - cannot be used as is, remember that transforming it to a usable state is super simple.
All these advantages may have you wondering - are there any disadvantages of alternating current? Yes - as with all things, it is give and take. One such drawback of AC power supply is that it requires a higher voltage than the target voltage - meaning there will be some waste of power. And, this power supply source can be affected by coils and capacitors in a negative manner.
Advantages & Disadvantages Of DC Power
One of the main advantages of a DC power source is that there is no advance or delay in the current. Remember - direct current is constant and steady. It doesn't fluctuate. This means that all the electricity in a DC power supply flows through the load. As a result, power is more efficient. Of course, the main advantage of direct current power is that it can be easily stored within batteries, capacitors, and more.
However, direct current power also has a few drawbacks worth noting. For one, it can be tough to interrupt the current when necessary. Think about it like this: because a constant voltage is always applied to a direct current, you may experience issues when interruptions do occur. Potential issues include arcs (sparks) or even more serious problems like the risk of electric shock in surrounding areas.
You also must consider the cost of converting a direct current to an alternating current. Unfortunately, DC power must be switched to AC power and then back to DC once again. This process requires larger, most expensive equipment.
One final disadvantage of direct current power is the havoc it can wreak on underground pipes, insulators, and other equipment required for power transmission. This is caused by the direct current itself - beating down on the exact same spots over time.
Is One Really Better Than The Other?
So, with all this said - is it really a case of AC vs DC power supply? Not exactly. As you now know, we really do need both. Certain scenarios will call for a direct current while others will be best suited for alternating current. And because we use both of these throughout society, you might as well familiarize yourself with the specific use cases for each power supply style.
How to Know if a Power Supply is AC vs DC
You have a solid understanding of the AC vs DC power supply differences now, but is there a way to quickly and confidently distinguish between the two just based on looking at a power supply? Here are some tips to try:
- Label or Specifications: Most power supplies are labeled with their output type. Look for “AC output” or “DC output,” accompanied by voltage details. For example, a power supply marked “12V DC” outputs direct current at 12 volts.
- Connector Type: DC power supplies typically use barrel connectors or two-pin plugs, while AC power supplies often have standard plugs for wall sockets or other AC input sources. Learn more about power supply connector types in our blog.
- Symbol Identification: On the power supply casing, AC is represented by a wavy line (~), and DC is represented by a solid line above a dashed line (⎓).
- Intended Application: AC power supplies are commonly used for home appliances or lighting systems, while DC power supplies are standard for electronics, batteries, or any other devices that need precise voltage levels.
- Equipment Requirements: When in doubt, refer to the user manual or device specifications. Devices requiring AC power will specify so, while others will list DC power needs, often alongside details like polarity and voltage range.
You can always get in touch with our team here at Bravo Electro as well, where you’ll not only gain access to the best power supply manufacturers but also world-class support from A to Z! Connect today as we wrap up our guide on the difference between AC and DC power supply.
Bringing Our AC vs DC Power Supply Comparison to a Close
Now that we've answered the question - what is the difference between AC and DC power supply - and compared the AC vs DC power supply styles side by side, there is just one thing left to do: get all your power supply needs at Bravo Electro.
Whether you're looking for an open frame or enclosed power supplies, modular power supplies, DIN rail power supplies, or even custom power supplies - we've got you covered. Narrow your search based on power supply voltage as we carry 12v power supplies, 24v power supplies, or even 48v DC power supplies.
We know power supply talk can get complicated. We're here to help simplify it for you. Whether you're building a project, upgrading some machinery, or just want to learn more about how to best solve your power supply needs - don't hesitate to reach out. We have electrical engineers on staff ready to assist you in making your electrical vision a reality. Let's do it together so you can rest assured you're getting exactly what you need for safe, efficient power supply!